William of Conches
lived 1080 - 1160
William of Conches was a philosopher who sought to expand the bounds of Christian humanism by studying secular works of the classics and fostering empirical science. He was influenced by Arabian philosophers. For more information, please see:
- Holmberg, John, ed., "Moralium dogma philosophorum" in Das Moralium dogma philosophorum des Guillaume de Conches, lateinisch, altfranzösich und mittelniederfränkisch, herausgegeben
- Maurach, Gregor, ed., "Philosophia Mundi" in Ausgabe des. 1. Buchs von Wilhelm von Conches' Philosophia mit Anhang, Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen
- Jeauneau, E., ed., Guillelmus de Conchis Glosae super Platonem
- Ronca, Italo, trans.; Curr, Matthew, trans., A Dialogue on Natural Philosophy: Translation of the New Latin Critical Text
- Wilson, Bradford, ed., Glosae in Iuvenalem
- Copeland, Rita and Sluiter, Ineke, eds., "Sciences and Curricula of Language in the Twelfth Century"