Chaucer, Geoffrey
lived 1340 - 1400
Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London in the 1340’s, but little is known about his early life. In 1357, he became a page for Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster, the wife King Edward III’s third son. He fought in France in 1359 and was sent to other parts of Europe, exposing him to works by famous writers of the time. After that, he held several royal posts under Edward III and Richard II. He wrote his first work, The Book of the Duchess, between 1369 and 1372. His most famous work is The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer died around 1400 and is burried at Westminister Abbey. TLM
- de Caluwé-Dor, Juliette, trans. and ed., Les Contes de Canterbéry, Vol. I
- Duncan, Thomas G., trans., Medieval English Lyrics 1200-1400
- Shoaf, R.A., ed., Troilus and Criseyde
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., A Parallel-Text Print of Troilus and Criseyde
- , Balade to Rosemounde
- Spearing, A.C., ed., The Franklin's Prologue and Tale
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Clarke, Charles Cowden, ed., The Riches of Chaucer
- Lumby, J. Rawson, ed., Ratis Raving, and Other Moral and Religious Pieces, in Prose and Verse
- Eisner, Sigmund, ed., A Treatise on the Astrolabe
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., A Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Lansdowne MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Hussy, Maurice, ed., The Merchant's Prologue and Tale
- Boyd, Beverly, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Prioress's Tale
- , The House of Fame
- Winterich, John T., ed., The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Morrison, Theodore, ed., The Portable Chaucer
- Nicolson, J.U., ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Murphy, Michael, ed., The Canterbury Tales: A Reader-Friendly Edition of the General Prologue and sixteen tales put into modern spelling
- , The Legend of Good Women
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Kaluza, Max, ed., The Romaunt of the Rose
- Murphy, Michael, ed., Troilus and Criseyde
- Plummer, John F. III, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Summoner's Tale
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Harleian MS 7334 of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Townsend, Anselm M., trans., Geoffrey Chaucer's Hymn to the Blessed Virgin
- Robinson, F. N., ed., The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Cawley, A.C., ed.; Pearsall, Derek, ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Baugh, Albert C., ed., Chaucer's Major Poetry
- , Troilus and Criseyde
- Blanch, Robert J., ed., Merchant's Tale
- Windeatt, Barry, trans., Troilus and Criseyde
- Spearing, A.C., ed., The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale
- , The Book of the Duchess
- Donaldson, E.T., ed., Chaucer's Poetry: An Anthology for the Modern Reader
- MacCracken, Henry Noble, ed., The College Chaucer
- , Anelida and Arcite
- Tatlock, John S.P.; MacKaye, Percy, trans., eds., The Complete Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Brewer, D.S., ed., The Parlement of Foulys
- Barber, Marjorie M., ed., Selections from Chaucer
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., Chaucer's 'Boece'
- Hussey, Maurice, ed., The Nun's Priest's Prologue and Tale
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., A Six-Text Print of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Hakluyt, Richard, ed., The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Volume One.
- Benson, Larry D., ed.; Robinson, F.N., ed., The Riverside Chaucer
- Alexander, Michael, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The First Fragment
- Halverson, John, ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Fisher, John H., ed., The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Kee, Kenneth, ed., Geoffrey Chaucer: A Selection of His Works
- Wright, David, trans., ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Kolve, V.A., ed.; Olson, Glending, ed., The Canterbury Tales: Nine Tales and the General Prologue
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Cambridge MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Andrew, Malcolm, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue, Part One B Explanatory Notes
- Ross, Thomas W., ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale
- Pearsall, Derek, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Nun's Priest's Tale
- Baker, Donald C., ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Manciple's Tale
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Hengwrt ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
- Winny, James, ed., The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
- Bethurum, Dorothy, ed., The Squire's Tale
- Coghill, Nevill, trans., The Canterbury Tales
- Coghill, Nevill, trans., Troilus and Criseyde
- Windheath, B.A., trans., Troilus and Criseyde
- Pratt, Robert A., ed., Selections from The Tales of Canterbury and Short Poems
- Blamires, Alcuin, ed; Pratt, Karen ed.; Marx, C.W. ed., Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of Medieval Texts
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Baker, Donald C., ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Squire's Tale
- Wright, David, trans., The Canterbury Tales
- Dahlberg, Charles, ed., The Romaunt of the Rose
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Petworth MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., A Supplementary Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems
- de Caluwé-Dor, Juliette, trans. and ed., Les Contes de Canterbéry, Vol. II
- Altmann, Barbara K., ed., trans.; Palmer, R. Barton, ed., trans., An Anthology of Medieval Love Debate Poetry
- Campbell, Thomas, ed., The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch, now first completely translated into English Verse by Various hands
- Hopper, Vincent F., trans., Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: An Interlinea Translation
- Root, Robert Kilburn, ed., The Book of Troilus and Criseyde
- Saupe, Karen, ed., Middle English Marian Lyrics
- Winny, James, ed., The Clerk's Prologue and Tale
- Morris, Richard, ed., Chaucer's Translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosophiæ"
- Horrox, Rosemary, trans., The Black Death
- Pace, George B., ed.; David, Alfred, ed., The Minor Poems
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Cambridge ms. Dd. 4. 24. of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, completed by the Egerton ms. 2726 (the Haistwell ms)
- Rossetti, William Michael, trans., Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde Compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato
- Stone, Brian, trans., Love Visions
- Skeat, Walter W., ed., A Treatise on The Astrolabe, Addressed to His Son Lowys
- Windeatt, B. A., ed., Troilus and Criseyde: a new edition of "The book of Troilus"
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Skeat, W. W., ed.; Killings, Douglas, ed., Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Havely, N.R., ed., The Friar's Summoner's and Pardoner's Tales from the Canterbury Tales
- Schmidt, A.V.C., ed., The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales and the Canon's Yeoman's Prologue and Tale
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Ellesmere MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Glaser, Joseph, trans., The Canterbury Tales in Modern Verse
- Pollard, Alfred W.; Heath, H. Frank; Liddell, Mark H.; McCormick, W.S., eds., The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Gordon, R.K., ed., The Story of Troilus
- , The Parliament of Fowles
- Wynne-Davies, Marion, ed., The Tales of the Clerk and the Wife of Bath
- The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Canterbury Tales
- Ruggiers, Paul J., ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Mann, Jill, ed., The Canterbury Tales
- Graver, Bruce E., ed.; Wordsworth, William, trans., Selections from Chaucer, Modernized in Translation of Chaucer and Virgil by William Wordsworth
- Andrew, Malcolm; Ransom, Daniel J.; Levy, Lynne Hunt; Moorman, Charles, eds., The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue, Part One A
- Eisner, Sigmund, ed., A Treatise on the Astrolabe
- Price, Derek J., ed., The Equatorie of the Planetis
- Morris, Richard, ed., The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Furnivall, Frederick J., ed., The Corpus MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Corsa, Helen Storm, ed., The Canterbury Tales: The Physician's Tale
- Coghill, Nevill, trans., The Canterbury Tales
- Pearsall, D.A., ed., The Floure and the Leafe and the Assembly of Ladies
- Robinson, F.N., ed., The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Furnivall, F.J., ed., Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
- Hussey, Maurice, ed., The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
- Skeat, Walter W., ed., The Romaunt of the Rose in The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 2nd ed., vol. 1.
- Boenig, Robert, and Taylor, Andrew, eds., The Canterbury Tales
- Osborn, Marijane, Nine Medieval Romances of Magic: Re-Rhymed in Modern English
- Black, Joseph, et al., The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Volume 1, The Medieval Period
- Hirsh, John C., ed., Medieval Lyric: Middle English Lyrics, Ballads, and Carols
- Tierney, Brian, The Middle Ages Volume I: Sources of Medieval History
- McCarthy, Conor, ed., Love, Sex and Marriage in the Middle Ages: A Sourcebook
- Sylvester, Louise M., Mark C. Chambers, and Gale R. Owen-Crocker, eds., Medieval Dress and Textiles in Britain: A Multilingual Sourcebook
- Anderson, Roberta and Dominic Aidan Bellenger, eds., Medieval Worlds: A Sourcebook
- Tydeman, William, ed., English Poetry 1400-1580.
- Ross, James Bruce, ed.; McLaughlin, Mary Martin, ed., The Portable Medieval Reader
- Whalen, Brett Edward, ed., Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Reader
- , The Canterbury Tales
- Lynch, Kathryn L. ed., Geoffrey Chaucer: Dream Visions and Other Poems
- Rumble, Thomas C., "The Franklin's Tale" in The Breton lays in Middle English