Online Medieval Sources Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of Printed and Online Primary Sources for the Middle Ages

The Online Medieval Sources Bibliography provides detailed information about modern editions - both in print and online - of medieval primary sources. Our goal is to help users find the sources and editions that are most suited to their needs.

  • Teachers and Professors: find the best texts and editions to assign to your students
  • Students of all levels: find sources for your research projects
  • Enthusiasts: find sources written in the Middle Ages to learn more about your favorite topics

For all texts, we provide more information than you can find in a typical library catalog, such as:

  • Summary of Contents: description of the information found in the text, its genre, and medieval author
  • Best Audience: whether the edition is appropriate for high school students, graduate students, or someone in between and how it is viewed by the scholarly community
  • Scholarly Apparatus: not just indexes and appendices, but bibliographies, glossaries, facsimiles, and introductions
