Maurach, Gregor, ed., "Philosophia Mundi" in Ausgabe des. 1. Buchs von Wilhelm von Conches' Philosophia mit Anhang, Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen (Pretoria: University of South Africa Press) Read this source online
Text name(s): Philosophia Mundi: Liber Primus
Number of pages of primary source text: 0
Dates: 1100 - 1150
Archival Reference:
Original Language(s):
- Latin
- Translated into another language (see translation comments).
- Original language included.
Translation Comments: Facing page Latin with German translation
Geopolitical Region(s):
- Europe
Record Types:
- Philosophic Work
Subject Headings:
- Philosophy / Theology
- Science / Technology
- Index
- Bibliography
William of Conches was a philosopher who sought to expand the bounds of Christian humanism by studying secular works of the classics and fostering empirical science. He was influenced by Arabian philosophers. His Philosophia Mundi is a work of natural philosophy (empirical science). The Latin text, with no introductory material or scholarly apparatus, can be found on the Latin Library website.
Introduction Summary:
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