C. M. Woolgar, ed., "Wardrobe Account for Sir John Mauduyt, 29 September 1312-c May 1314," in Household Accounts from Medieval England, Part 2 (London: OUP for the British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, n.s., XVIII. , pp. 585-88)
Text name(s): Wardrobe Account for Sir John Mauduyt
Number of pages of primary source text: 3
Dates: 1314 - 1314
Archival Reference: PRO, E101/506/19.
Original Language(s):
- Anglo-Norman
- Original language included.
Translation Comments:
Geopolitical Region(s):
- England
Record Types:
- Account Roll - Household
Subject Headings:
- Economy - Crafts and Industry
- Economy - Trade
- Family / Children
- Material Culture: Food, Clothing, Household
- Music
- Women / Gender
Expenditure by Sir John and his wife, including cloth for livery, wages for household staff, payments to minstrels. Also a short section of receipts.
Introduction Summary:
Brief introduction to the text provided.
Cataloger: MAK