Online Medieval Sources Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of Printed and Online Primary Sources for the Middle Ages

Source Details

Saalman, Howard ed.; Enggass, Catherine, trans., The Life of Brunelleschi (University Park PA: Pennsylvania State University Press)

Text name(s): The Life of Brunelleschi; La Vita di Brunelleschi

Number of pages of primary source text: 47


Dates: 1482 - 1497

Archival Reference: 

Original Language(s): 

  • Italian


  • Translated into English.
  • Original language included.

Translation Comments: facing page Italian-English translation with notes

Geopolitical Region(s): 

  • Italy

County/Region: Florence

Record Types: 

  • Biography

Subject Headings: 

  • Architecture and Buildings
  • Art
  • Classics / Humanism
  • Literature - Other
  • Science / Technology


  • Index
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction


The Life written by Antonio di Tuccio Manetti is one of the few sources we have for Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1455), the great architect of the early Italian Renaissance. Written by a younger contemporary of Brunelleschi, the Life catalogues his works including the Duomo of Santa Maria dei Fiori and the Pazzi Chapel, his friendship with Donatello (1386-1466), and his interaction with patrons. It also contains one of many indictments of Brunelleschi’s contemporary rival, Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455). This work is particularly interesting as the main source for Giorgio Vasari’s more widely influential 1550 account of Brunelleschi’s life.

Introduction Summary: 

This brief (32 pp) introduction discusses the various manuscript sources of the Life, as well as problems of authorship and dating. The editor also discusses the reliability of Manetti as a source for Brunelleschi’s life, citing his rather decisive affiliation with Brunelleschi in his feud with Ghiberti. He also discusses the scope and influence of Manetti’s Life of Brunelleschi. The editor argues that Manetti’s Life of Brunelleschi is heavily influenced by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) and his theories of architecture and optics.

Cataloger: MCB
