Online Medieval Sources Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of Printed and Online Primary Sources for the Middle Ages

Source Details

Bowers, John M., ed., The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions (TEAMS Middle English Text Series. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications) Read this source online

Text name(s): Continuations of the Canterbury Tales; John Lydgate's Prologue to the Siege of Thebes; The Ploughman's Tale; The Cook's Tale; The Canterbury Interlude and Merchant's Tale of Beryn

Number of pages of primary source text: 0


Dates: 1400 - 1499

Archival Reference: BL Arundel 119; Christ Church Oxford MS 152; Bodley MS 686; BL Lansdowne 851; Northumberland MS 455

Original Language(s): 

  • English - Middle English


  • Original language included.

Translation Comments: 

Geopolitical Region(s): 

  • England


Record Types: 

  • Literature - Verse

Subject Headings: 

  • Literature - Epics, Romance
  • Literature - Folklore, Legends


  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction


The text is in the original Middle English, with regularized spelling and the modern alphabet. Extensive marginal notes translate tricky words, and footnotes translate and explain difficult passages. There is also a glossary, making the text accessible to those who are not familiar with Middle English.

Introduction Summary: 

When Chaucer died in 1400, he left The Canterbury Tales unfinished. Many authors wrote continuations of his project; five of those works are collected here. Each one has its own brief introduction about authorship, dating, and how the work fits into Chaucer’s frame story.

Cataloger: MK
