Online Medieval Sources Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of Printed and Online Primary Sources for the Middle Ages

Source Details

Muratori, Ludovico, ed.; Argelati, Filippo, ed., Historia Universalis (Milan: Societas Palatina)

Text name(s): Historia Universalis; Universal History

Number of pages of primary source text: 1004


Dates: 1200 - 1348

Archival Reference: 

Original Language(s): 

  • Latin


  • Original language included.

Translation Comments: 

Geopolitical Region(s): 

  • Italy

County/Region: Florence; Tuscany

Record Types: 

  • Chronicle, Annals

Subject Headings: 

  • Architecture and Buildings
  • Diplomacy
  • Economy - Crafts and Industry
  • Economy - Guilds and Labor
  • Economy - Trade
  • Historiography
  • Plague and Disease
  • Towns / Cities


  • Index
  • Introduction


The vernacular chronicle of Giovanni Villani remains an important source for modern historians of medieval Florence. Born into a Florentine merchant family, Villani took an active part in the political and diplomatic life of the city, and his interest in economic matters make him particularly useful to modern historians. His chronicle ends at his death from plague in 1348, but was continued by his brother Matteo (till his death in 1363) and his nephew Filippo (till 1410).

This edition of the History is contained in the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, a useful compilation of primary source material written by Italian authors from the 6th to the 16th centuries. The RIS exists in two editions, one begun in 1726 by Ludovico Muratori and Filippo Argelati, and one begun in 1900 by Giosue Carducci and Vittorio Fiorini. This text appears on pages 1-1004 in volume 13 parts 1 and 2 of the old edition.

Introduction Summary: 

The brief (2 page) Latin introduction a brief biography of the author, and a discussion of the manuscripts in which the History survives.

Cataloger: MCB
