Online Medieval Sources Bibliography

An Annotated Bibliography of Printed and Online Primary Sources for the Middle Ages

Source Details

Thiolier, Jean Claude, ed., Pierre de Langtoft: Le Règne d’Edouard Ier (Créteil: Université de Paris)

Text name(s): Chronicle of Peter Langtoft Langtoft's Chronicle Chronique de Pierre de Langtoft

Number of pages of primary source text: 0


    Dates: 0 - 0

    Archival Reference: 

    Original Language(s): 

    • English - Middle English
    • Anglo-Norman


    • Original language included.

    Translation Comments: 

    Geopolitical Region(s): 

    • England
    • British Isles
    • Scotland


    Record Types: 

    • Literature - Verse
    • Chronicle, Annals

    Subject Headings: 

    • Literature - Other
    • Diplomacy
    • Historiography
    • War - Military History
    • Nobility / Gentry
    • Royalty / Monarchs


    • Appendix
    • Introduction


    Langtoft’s Chronicle narrates the history of England from the legendary founding of Britain by Brutus to the death of King Edward I. The first part of the chronicle draws on Wace’s Brut, and the second part is drawn from a number of sources, including Henry of Huntingdon’s Historia Anglorum. The third part is widely considered to be original work by Langtoft, and he includes in it details not recorded elsewhere such as the fate of Gwenllian, daughter of Llywelyn the Last, Prince of Wales. On the whole, the Chronicle is virulently anti-Scottish and famously contains nine songs, in both Anglo-Norman and Middle English, supposedly capturing the taunts between English and Scottish soldiers during the Anglo-Scottish conflicts of the late-13th and early-14th centuries. Thiolier’s edition replaces the previous 1795 edition by Thomas Hearne and 1866 edition by Thomas Wright, and has become commonly used by scholars today.

    Introduction Summary: 

    Langtoft’s chronicle survives in twenty-two manuscripts, discussed in detail in the introduction. Thiolier also addresses the place of Langtoft’s chronicle in Anglo-Norman historiography, and the two different manuscript versions of the chronicle. The text that follows includes the two significant redactions of the chronicle; appendices add a continuation extant in three manuscripts addressing the reign of Edward II, a contemporary synopsis of the chronicle present in two manuscripts and covering the reign of Henry III, and an analysis of political letters attributed to Langtoft.

    Cataloger: HEB
