Tierney, Brian, The Middle Ages Volume I: Sources of Medieval History (New York, McGraw-Hill)
Text name(s): The Love of God; Song of Roland; Yes and No; Life of Charlemagne; The Book of the City of Ladies; The Dialogue; The Mirror of Simple Souls; Piers Plowman; The Canterbury Tales; Ballad for Fat Margot; Ballad to Our Lady; Epitaph in the Form of a Ballade
Number of pages of primary source text: 357
- Villon, François
- Abelard, Peter
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Buridan, Jean
- Catherine of Siena
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Christina of Markyate
- Christine de Pizan
- Dante Alighieri
- Einhard
- Gregory of Tours
- Jerome
- John of Paris
- Joinville, Jean
- Langland, William
- Marcellinus, Ammianus
- Marsilius of Padua
- Oresme, Nicholas
- Porete, Marguerite
- Wyclif, John
Dates: 325 - 1494
Archival Reference:
Original Language(s):
- Latin
- Greek
- English - Middle English
- French - Old French
- Anglo-Norman
- Arabic
- Translated into English.
Translation Comments: All texts have been translated into Modern English with modernized spelling and punctuation.
Geopolitical Region(s):
- Middle East
- Italy
- Holy Roman Empire
- Germany
- France
- Europe
- England
- Byzantium
Record Types:
- Theology - Mystical Work
- Theology/Philosophy - Summa
- Treatise - Scientific/Medical
- Biography
- Charters Deeds
- Chronicle Annals
- Disputation - Philosophical/Theological
- Inquisition - Heresy
- Law - Legislation
- Law - Treatise/Commentary
- Literature - Verse
- Treaty / Diplomatic
- Letter
- Monastic Rule
- Taxes - Poll Tax
- Papal Bull
Subject Headings:
- Women / Gender
- War - Military History
- War - Chivalry
- Vikings
- Towns / Cities
- Theology - Sacramental
- Theology - History
- Theology - Heretical
- Royalty / Monarchs
- Revolt
- Religion - Institutional Church
- Reform
- Political Thought
- Plague and Disease
- Piety
- Philosophy / Theology
- Peasants
- Papacy
- Nobility / Gentry
- Muslims / Islam
- Monasticism
- Military Orders
- Material Culture: Food Clothing, Household
- Medicine
- Literature - Comedy / Satire
- Literature - Allegory
- Law - Secular
- Jews / Judaism
- Heresy
- Government
- Family / Children
- Education / Universities
- Economy - Trade
- Diplomacy
- Early Germanic Peoples: Goths Franks, etc.
- Crusades
- Clergy - Priests Bishops, Canons
- Clergy - Monks Nuns, Friars
- Clergy - Anticlericalism
- Church Fathers
- Carolingians
- Byzantium
This is the sixth edition of this popular sourcebook, which covers the whole of medieval history. It is organized chronologically in four sections: The Early Middle Ages; The Twelfth Century; The Thirteenth Century; The Late Middle Ages and focuses especially on politics, social structure, the development of the Church, scholasticism, the Crusades, women, and literature. Each source is briefly described and citations are provided in the footnotes, though there is no separate biography. The volume is especially useful for undergraduates and advanced high school students.
Introduction Summary:
Each source is prefaced by a one to two paragraph introduction, which contextualizes the source.
Cataloger: SKG